Permanent Cosmetics


(100 clock hours class, 428 clock hours lab)

3000-001 Safety, Cleanliness and Customer Service

    Safety/ Hygiene:
  • How and when to wash hands
  • How and when to use hand sanitizer
  • Keep fingernails clean
  • Cuts, hangnails, and non-intact skin, How to Protect?
  • Hand-Lotion – What kind and how often?
  • What is bio hazard?
  • Designate bio hazard areas
  • What is cross contamination?
  • What are universal and standard precautions?
  • Learn how to put on and take off gloves
  • Learn one-handed techniques
  • How to open a clean field
  • Spore Test: when, why, with who and what to do if test fails

  • Dusting (non-bio)
  • Counter tops (non-bio)
  • Changing garbage bags (non-bio & bio)
  • Restocking: cups, water, paper towels, and toilet paper (non-bio)
  • Learn how to use/maintain Hepa filter, and Distiller (non-bio)
  • Mopping (bio)
  • Cleaning bathroom (bio)
  • Learn to watch out for cross contamination in lobby and how to handle

    Customer Service:
  • Greeting customers – to relax and address fears
  • Answering telephone
  • Learn register – receipts, ring in, and void out
  • Learn to explain aftercare
  • Begin learning to address problems in aftercare
  • Read, know and be able to explain all customer release forms

  • Observe various setups and break downs
  • Ask questions after client leaves

    Written documentation/ readings:
  • Start a personal file for the shop
  • Read and initial all state required literature, safety procedures, laws, manuals, policies, procedures, and equipment manuals
  • Read labels and record observation of MSDS’s for everything in the shop
  • Start a journal to record notes, observations, and questions
  • Research classic flash and start your sketch book with tracings of it
  • Start promoting the shop – web, submissions, fliers, radio, business cards, etc

3000-002 Sanitary, Safety and Hygiene

    Safety/ Hygiene:
  • Get familiarized with the bio hazard work areas
  • How to change sharps containers
  • Know about the bio hazard pickup
  • Learn to clean instruments: like tubes (avoid sharp edges)
  • Learn the use of the Autoclave
  • Learn to flush and maintain autoclave
  • Learn to conduct spore tests
  • Aprons, sleeves, masks, and goggles
  • Start to learn cleaning and disinfecting

3000-003 Photography and Stencils


  • Take photos of permanent cosmetic procedures (learn to use camera)
  • Lighting and positioning for best photos
  • Establishing a portfolio

  • Perform observed stencils
  • Watch / observe basic permanent cosmetic procedure
  • Perform observed set-up and break-downs

    Customer Service:
  • Bedside Manners
  • Position of body to client

    Written documentation/ readings:
  • Make list of all stencil locations and rate how you perceive their level of difficulty
  • Keep list of questions
  • Research and document anatomy of upcoming tattoo stencils
  • Continue with classic flash tracings

3000-004 Business Solutions and Business Records


  • Learn products / companies, keep log of who uses what and why
  • Learn to place orders / learn about permanent cosmetic supply companies
  • Perform unobserved set-ups and break-downs

    Written documentation / readings:
  • Study machine parts and take quiz
  • Know the various tools and how they work for different types of permanent cosmetic procedures including tubes, machines, needles, pigments, power supplies, clip cords, foot switches, and lighting

 3000-005 Permanent Cosmetic Observation

  • Keep observing permanent cosmetic artists while working
  • Begin permanent cosmetic procedures artificial anatomy

3000-006 Permanent Cosmetic Introduction

  • Perform minor permanent cosmetic procedures
  • Start recording own permanent cosmetic procedures- thoughts / results / observations / problems
  • Start picture portfolio

3000-007 Permanent Cosmetic Minor

  • Perform minor permanent cosmetic procedures
  • Continue recording own permanent cosmetic procedures – thoughts / results / observations / problems

3000-008 Permanent Cosmetic Major

  • Perform all permanent cosmetic procedures
  • Continue recording own permanent cosmetic procedures – thoughts / results / observations / problems

3000-009 Portfolio and Refresh

  • Finish your professional portfolio
  • Stay focused, friendly, and humble